Instructor Resources
As a family-owned, mission-driven company, Macmillan Learning is committed to helping you and your students achieve more. Please share the student resources on this site with your students to help them during these challenging times. This toolkit is just one of the ways Macmillan Learning's college success team is here to support you. Please use the additional resources below or reach out to us for more help:

Assigning this toolkit in LaunchPad
Assign this toolkit in LaunchPad, Macmillan Learning's powerful digital learning platform. Beginning in July 2020, most college success LaunchPad courses will automatically come with a prebuilt COVID-19 Student Toolkit module. This module contains a link to this student toolkit, along with a quiz and other resources, and it can be easily assigned for students.
Support for Online FYE Courses
Powerful Learning Materials
College Success Program from Macmillan Learning. More than ever, we know your students are needing quality, affordable, learning materials to support their college, career, and life goals. Macmillan is proud to publish the textbooks of John Gardner, the founder of the the modern FYE course, the groundbreaking new edition Connections, and the one and only pocket FYE text, starting at under $20!
Robust Online Courseware
LaunchPad. LaunchPad is a resource that helps students achieve better results by providing a place where they can read, study, practice, complete homework, and more. All of Macmillan Learning’s college success programs are available through LaunchPad. LaunchPad includes an interactive e-book, adaptive quizzing, and video activities. It can also be easily integrated with your institution's learning management system.
Engagment in Synchronous Courses
iClicker with Designed Learning Experiences. Translate your in-class learning experiences to a powerful, synchronous online experience with (1) iClicker, the #1 student response system, (2) Designed Learning Experiences for College Success, a complete set of ready-to-go activities for iClicker, and (3) your favorite video conferencing tool such as Zoom, WebEx, or Skype.
Student Skills for Online Learning
Tech Tips. This feature found in all of the Gardner texts helps build key skills for college, career, and life in online contexts.
Connections 2e. The Connections text contains specific coverage of 7 key skills in online courses: Managing Time, Reading, Taking Notes, Studying, Taking Tests, Writing, and Connecting with Others.
Create Your Own Video Activities
Video assignment. LaunchPad allows you to easily create your own video assignments, by uploading a video or embedding your favorite YouTube video, and then posing questions to your students to complete for credit.
Suggested Video Tool Activities. The Instructor’s Manual for each college success title includes a suggested list of YouTube videos along with guidance for creating your own video assignments.
Personalized Learning #1
ACES Inventory. Assign this easy-to-use self-assessment at the beginning of the term to give your students a norm-referenced report on their relative strengths and growth areas, compared to the average incoming college student. Students use this report to develop their own personal success plans for the course, and then can take ACES again at the end of the term to reflect on their growth.